Diver Position

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Diver Position

Divers often try to achieve a horizontal to slightly positive tilted body position in the water. The SYMBIOS TANK POD in combination with a Symbios dive computer can measure the divers tilt.

It includes a 3-axial accelerometer which allows measurement of the vector of the earth gravity, and from this calculate the divers tilt.

1.the  SYMBIOS TANK POD measures tri-axial acceleration in respect to the spatial orientation of the electronic board of the  SYMBIOS TANK POD

2.the information is transmitted to the dive computer

3.the dive computer uses a sophisticated mathematical model to calculate the divers tilt




To calculate tilt accuratly, the system needs to be calibrated in a 2 step procedure.

1.Pressurize the SYMBIOS TANK POD  and bring the tanks in a vertical position. Navigate on the dive comptuer menu/SETTINGS/TRIM SENSORS/VERTICAL to perform the vertical calibration.



2.Lie down the tanks on the back in horizontal position. Navigate on the dive comptuer menu/SETTINGS/TRIM SENSORS/HORIZONTAL to perform the horizontal calibration.




A calibration is only possible, when the trim function is paired and the  SYMBIOS TANK POD  is pressurized.